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Senin, 30 Maret 2009


wak ini makanan super penuh dengan gizi atau apa ya? bayangkan aja daging ayam dikasih smoke beef sama keju uhmm apa ga sehat ya? tapi ini khusus buat anak2 aja deh biar ortunya makan sayurnya aja..

▪4 bh fillet dada ayam
▪2 lbr smoke beef
▪keju Cheddar
▪garam - merica
▪1 btr telur ayam
▪tepung terigu
▪tepung roti

Cara membuat:
■ayam dibumbui dengan garam dan merica diamkan 1 jam biar meresap
■belah dada ayam menjadi 2 bagian tapi jangan sampai putus
■dibelahan tersebut letakkan smoke beef yang sudah dipotong dan keju cheddar yang sudah diparut
■gulingkan di tepung terigu kemudian ke kocokan telur terakhir ke tepung roti
■goreng ayam tersebut sampai menguning atau ke-coklat-an


thai chicken

yiha susah ya namanya padahal mah ini lho namanya "stir fried chicken with cashew nut", ini resep kedua dari buku resep Thai yang di-oleh2i Kiki, kalau dipikir2 mungkin seperti Kungpao chicken, soalnya pakai mete juga..


Sekarang banyak buah atau sayur import made in local.. ada tomat itali, dan paprika ini juga warnanya banyak lho, bukan cuma merah dan hijau saja. Bahkan ada yang purple (mau beli tapi koq ya harganya mahalan dari yang warna lain).


ati ampla ini juga dapat dimakan bersama bubur ayam model abang2 gitu.. enak deh.. ati ampla ini pelengkap nasi tumpeng mini

▪12 bh ati/ampla
▪2 cm lengkuas
▪3 lbr daun salam
▪4 sdm minyak goreng

▪4 bh bwg merah
▪3 bwg putih
▪1 sdm ketumbar sangrai
▪3 btr kemiri sangrai
▪gula pasir
▪garam secukupnya

■tumis bumbu halus masukkan lengkuas daun salam
■setelah harum masukkan ati/ampela dan tambahkan air masak diatas api kecil
■setelah air hampir habis, tambahkan minyak goreng aduk lagi sampai mengering
■angkat, sajikan dengan cara ditusuk sepeti sate..
■boleh juga disajikan begitu saja dengan tambahkan taburan bawang goreng..

Sneak Peek

Chef Peter Rudolph
Pity the poor venture capitalists. Most of their investments end up being a bust. Relegated to the wasteland that is Sand Hill Road, they have nowhere nearby to commiserate over a beer let alone celebrate, on those rare occasions when everything goes according to plan. Well you can stop feeling sorry for them starting April 2nd when Madera at Rosewood Sand Hill opens.

I had the privilege of attending a preview lunch yesterday and got a chance to chat with the Executive Chef Peter Rudolph and Wine Director, Paul Mekis. Their enthusiasm was a joy to behold as were the food and wine pairings. I had mixed feelings about the food at Campton Place under Rudolph. Sometimes it hit the mark other times it missed it completely. But everything I tasted yesterday was spot on.

First up, an oak smoked warmed Hog Island sweetwater oyster with cucumber, avocado and fromage blanc. The herbal vegetal flavors played off the barely smoky oyster and was an inspired combination. It was perfect with sparkling wine. Madera will have a Champagne cart and included on it will always be at least one grower produced Champagne.

A tender piece of octopus was well seasoned and surrounded by vegetables, a nice contrast from the typical Spanish style plating with potatoes.

Arctic char
Next a take on "surf and turf", smoked arctic char with artichokes, crispy veal sweetbreads topped with tarragon. This was one of Rudolph's signature dishes at Campton Place and it's a keeper.

Farro stew
Rudoph explained his own meal choices have leaned towards more vegetables these days and it was clear from the farro, mushroom and vegetable stew with oak grilled leeks. The chewy farro with the crunch of walnuts was hearty and satisfying and the vegetables and plump mushrooms were fresh and full of flavor. Vegetarians and meat eaters would be happy with this dish, it's by no means an afterthought and might just become a signature dish.

Kurobuta pork
The Kurobuta pork chop from Snake River was brined and grilled over black oak then served with beans, mushrooms and a bread dumpling wrapped in cabbage. The pork chop may have been the best I have ever eaten. Really. It was intensely flavorful and perfectly cooked. It had more smoky flavor than most of the other dishes which was fitting. The dumplings were tender and had bits of vegetables inside them, frankly I thought they could have been a side dish or main dish on their own instead of a garnish on an already full plate but that's a minor quibble.

Ricotta cheesecake
I'd be remiss in not mentioning how well the dessert fit with the rest of the meal. The pastry chef Shannon Swindle is diabetic and perhaps that influences his less sweet and more adult desserts. The serving of delicate vanilla flecked ricotta cheese cake was creamy but not overly sweet, accented by grilled fruits and a few caramelized nuts.

The wine list has over 600 wines and over 100 are Pinot Noir, a good wine to pair with gently smoked and grilled dishes. The list is impressive and the mark up reasonable, ranging from 2 to 2 1/2 times retail. It features lots of interesting French choices some familiar and others less so. You can view a sample of the wine list here.

While there is no set tasting menu, you can arrange to have as many courses as your would like and to have wines paired with them as well. Rustic but refined in it's food and decor, the restaurant fits well with the surrounding rolling hills and it's easy to imagine the energy you will feel when it's filled with deal makers and holiday takers, even just those sneaking away for a leisurely lunch...

2825 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park CA

Opens April 2, 2009

Tempe Kemul Bumbu Kencur

Category: Appetizers & Snacks

Menikmati tempe goreng yang masih hangat kala santai atau turun hujan di sore hari? Tentu Anda tak akan menolaknya.

  • 300 gr tempe, potong lebar tebal ½ cm
  • minyak untuk menggoreng
  • 200 ml air
  • 100 gr tepung terigu
  • 1 btr telur, kocok lepas
  • 3 cm kunyit
  • 5 cm kencur
  • 3 siung bawang putih
  • 1 sdt garam

Cara membuat:
  1. Aduk bumbu halus, tepung terigu, telur, dan air hingga rata.
  2. Masukkan potongan tempe.
  3. Goreng tempe satu per satu sambil dibalut tepung.
  4. Masak hingga kecokelatan.
  5. Hidangkan hangat dengan cabai rawit.
Erwin Kuditawati
foto: Adrianus Adrianto
© 2008 - 2009 Kompas

Sambal Goreng Telur Dadar

Category: Other
Servings: untuk 4 orang

Telur dadar dengan bumbu sambal goreng, sangat praktis cara membuatnya.

  • 3 butir telur ayam
  • 1 sdt gula merah
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 4 bh cabai hijau, potong-potong
  • 1 papan petai, ambil isinya
  • 1 sdt asam jawa, larutkan dengan 2 sdm air
  • minyak untuk menggoreng
  • 4 bh cabai merah
  • 6 bh bawang merah

Cara Membuat:
  1. Kocok telur hingga berbusa.
  2. Buat dadar pada wajan cekung hingga mengembang.
  3. Setelah matang, angkat, dinginkan lalu potong-potong kotak.
  4. Tumis bumbu halus sampai harum.
  5. Masukkan air asam, gula merah, dan garam sambil diaduk.
  6. Masukkan potongan telur dadar, aduk rata.
  7. Tambahkan irisan cabai hijau dan petai, aduk hingga layu.
  8. Angkat, hidangkan dengan taburan bawang goreng.
Pengirim: Salma Fuad, Jl. Slamet Riady - Delapan Ilir, Palembang
Uji Dapur: Klub Nova
Foto: Romy Palar
© Tabloid Nova

Lumpia Sayur

Category: Appetizers & Snacks
Servings: untuk 3 orang

Lumpia terdiri atas berbagai jenis. Ada lumpia ayam, lumpia rebung, lumpia kimlo, hingga lumpia Semarang. Semuanya lezat, dan cukup mengenyangkan.

  • 50 gr kol, iris halus
  • 40 gr wortel, iris halus
  • 50 gr daun bawang, iris halus
  • 40 gr jamur shitake, iris tipis
  • 100 gr tahu cina
  • 10 gr saus tiram
  • ½ sdt garam
  • ¼ sdt gula pasir
  • ¼ sdt lada bubuk
  • 6 lbr kulit lumpia
  • minyak untuk menggoreng
  • Acar mentimun
  • Saus sambal botol
  • Sambal Bangkok siap pakai

Cara Membuat:
  1. Panaskan minyak, tumis semua sayuran dan tahu sampai layu.
  2. Bumbui saus tiram, garam, gula, dan lada bubuk.
  3. Aduk sampai matang. Angkat.
  4. Setelah dingin, sendokkan tumisan sayur ke atas kulit lumpia.
  5. Lipat lalu rekatkan dengan putih telur atau larutan kanji.
  6. Goreng hingga matang dan renyah.
  7. Angkat, hidangkan dengan saus sambal dan acar mentimun.
Tips: Dinginkan terlebih dahulu tumisan sayur sebelum dibungkus kulit lumpia agar kulit lumpia tidak mudah robek.

foto: Romy Palar
© 2008 - 2009 Kompas